Arrow creates business content,
your business get leads

Arrow users see a 300% increase in engagement within 30 days and are growing followers by 20-30 per week.

B2B start up got 100 leads with a "founder's guide" lead magnet

Executive Guides
IT agency started 32 sales conversations with a "productivity playbook"

Thought Leadership
Content marketing and sales enablement agency uses Arrow to deliver content for 20 clients

B2B Blogs
SEO ranking went up to the #1 position based on consistent bloggins

Social Media
20+ location hotel group saves over 60 hours a week and replaced a FT position with Arrow

B2B Posts
B2B SaaS technology company grew LinkedIn engagement by 40% in 60 days.

Sales enablement group saves 20 hours a week in content creation

Fintech company uses Arrow to inform and grow LinkedIn by 82%

Start-Up posts
Start-up gets first deal after 25 days of daily posting on LinkedIn

Founder uses Arrow content playbook to grow LinkedIn following by 30 new followers per week

Social Media
Consumer-focused electric bicycles company grows TOF purchases by 2,472% in 90 days

Social Media
Fintech company leverages Arrow to deploy guides and value-added content

Supercharge your business content

Educate and engage your customers, focus on your business. Stop wasting time doing it yourself or spending money on expensive content teams or agencies.



© 2024 Custom Social Inc. "Arrow AI"

© 2024 Custom Social Inc. "Arrow AI"

© 2024 Custom Social Inc. "Arrow AI"