Best Chrome Extensions for Entrepreneurs

Best Chrome Extensions for Entrepreneurs

Best Chrome Extensions for Entrepreneurs

Jun 18, 2024

As an entrepreneur, you’ve probably wished more than once that there were more hours in the day! 

The good news? There are many great extensions available for Google Chrome users to make life easier and more efficient for running a business online. The web browser allows you to install add-ons that can shave seconds—even minutes—off of a tedious or repetitive action. 

In this article, we’re honing in on the most handy-dandy Chrome extensions available. Below are our top 5 recommendations for entrepreneurs like you!

1. Session Buddy

Session Buddy allows you to save any online session in case of internet failure, annoying automatic updates, or anything else you may not have anticipated! With this extension, you can save all of your open windows or tabs from a browsing session, and access and re-open previous sessions effortlessly.

Basically, Session Buddy is a lifesaver and a time-saver when it comes to preventing lost work. To make things even easier, simply enable a setting to automatically save your session. Talk about having a clear head!

2. Arrow

Are you social media-averse? Does everything in you feel the urge to procrastinate when you think about posting on Facebook or Instagram for your business?

When you’re trying to run a business, it may feel like promoting your products or services on social media should come last on your priority list—and that’s fine! Why not let the pros handle posting for you?

With the Arrow Chrome extension, you can get free daily content that’s ready to post whenever you need it, so you don’t have to think twice about what you should write. Arrow takes all the time and guesswork out of crafting successful social media posts by providing fun and unique posts that will help grow your likes, follows, comments, and overall engagement.

Bottom line: if Facebook isn’t your forte, there’s no need to stress, Arrow can help.

3. Grammarly

If you own your own writing business, regularly provide writing services, or run any online business in general, Grammarly is the best friend you’ll find yourself consulting over and over to ensure that your written communication matches the same level as your professionalism.

Using Grammarly is simple: copy and paste any block of text into the Grammarly program, and the extension tool will identify any spelling or grammar issues. It’s a simple (and free) way to make your online material that much stronger.

4. RescueTime

Let’s face it: most of us need a quick break from work every now and then. However, your “quick break” can turn into hours of wasted time on YouTube, watching a cat flush a toilet.

With RescueTime, you’ll be able to gauge just how much time you’re wasting in the name of a “break.” The program automatically tracks your web use and sends you a report each week. Best of all, this extension is free and available for both computer and mobile use, so you’ll be able to measure your procrastination across all devices (we know—that’s probably a bit daunting)!

5. LastPass

Let’s face it: most of us need a quick break from work every now and then. However, your “quick break” can turn into hours of wasted time on YouTube, watching a cat flush a toilet.

With RescueTime, you’ll be able to gauge just how much time you’re wasting in the name of a “break.” The program automatically tracks your web use and sends you a report each week. Best of all, this extension is free and available for both computer and mobile use, so you’ll be able to measure your procrastination across all devices (we know—that’s probably a bit daunting)!

Using these five helpful Chrome extensions can make all the difference when it comes to running your business more smoothly and efficiently than ever. Download these helpful tools and put them to use for you today to start reaping the benefits!

As an entrepreneur, you’ve probably wished more than once that there were more hours in the day! 

The good news? There are many great extensions available for Google Chrome users to make life easier and more efficient for running a business online. The web browser allows you to install add-ons that can shave seconds—even minutes—off of a tedious or repetitive action. 

In this article, we’re honing in on the most handy-dandy Chrome extensions available. Below are our top 5 recommendations for entrepreneurs like you!

1. Session Buddy

Session Buddy allows you to save any online session in case of internet failure, annoying automatic updates, or anything else you may not have anticipated! With this extension, you can save all of your open windows or tabs from a browsing session, and access and re-open previous sessions effortlessly.

Basically, Session Buddy is a lifesaver and a time-saver when it comes to preventing lost work. To make things even easier, simply enable a setting to automatically save your session. Talk about having a clear head!

2. Arrow

Are you social media-averse? Does everything in you feel the urge to procrastinate when you think about posting on Facebook or Instagram for your business?

When you’re trying to run a business, it may feel like promoting your products or services on social media should come last on your priority list—and that’s fine! Why not let the pros handle posting for you?

With the Arrow Chrome extension, you can get free daily content that’s ready to post whenever you need it, so you don’t have to think twice about what you should write. Arrow takes all the time and guesswork out of crafting successful social media posts by providing fun and unique posts that will help grow your likes, follows, comments, and overall engagement.

Bottom line: if Facebook isn’t your forte, there’s no need to stress, Arrow can help.

3. Grammarly

If you own your own writing business, regularly provide writing services, or run any online business in general, Grammarly is the best friend you’ll find yourself consulting over and over to ensure that your written communication matches the same level as your professionalism.

Using Grammarly is simple: copy and paste any block of text into the Grammarly program, and the extension tool will identify any spelling or grammar issues. It’s a simple (and free) way to make your online material that much stronger.

4. RescueTime

Let’s face it: most of us need a quick break from work every now and then. However, your “quick break” can turn into hours of wasted time on YouTube, watching a cat flush a toilet.

With RescueTime, you’ll be able to gauge just how much time you’re wasting in the name of a “break.” The program automatically tracks your web use and sends you a report each week. Best of all, this extension is free and available for both computer and mobile use, so you’ll be able to measure your procrastination across all devices (we know—that’s probably a bit daunting)!

5. LastPass

Let’s face it: most of us need a quick break from work every now and then. However, your “quick break” can turn into hours of wasted time on YouTube, watching a cat flush a toilet.

With RescueTime, you’ll be able to gauge just how much time you’re wasting in the name of a “break.” The program automatically tracks your web use and sends you a report each week. Best of all, this extension is free and available for both computer and mobile use, so you’ll be able to measure your procrastination across all devices (we know—that’s probably a bit daunting)!

Using these five helpful Chrome extensions can make all the difference when it comes to running your business more smoothly and efficiently than ever. Download these helpful tools and put them to use for you today to start reaping the benefits!